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Dear WCAC,  

I am sending you this letter about the winner of the award. I would like to put forth suggestions on who should win the award. I would like to nominate Steve Irwin although it will be a posthumous award. It would be a great honour and comfort to his family to know his work is still remembered and respected.  

The reason I would like Steve’s family to have this award is because of the positive influence he had on conservation throughout the world. He has saved animals, saved the environment, taught people about treating animals with respect and care, most famously capturing crocodiles on the Island of Timor where he moved them into clean areas of water to enable them to survive.  

Steve was interactive with the community of Australia being in multiple movies and TV shows. He was a smart, loving person who was always up to play a game of cricket. In fact, on his trips to countries he would teach young boys how to play cricket. He was seen multiple times in third world countries doing this. 

It would be appropriate for his family to accept the award on his behalf as they are all involved with animals. All of them still do the work that Steve started. 

 I think if you were to ask, most people would support Steve Irwin receiving this prestigious award.  


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