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Steve Irwin has changed the world drastically. By showing how animals are not just cute but are smart and intelligent. He mostly knows by his nickname the "Crocodile Hunter", working through, the world saving animals, and making animals lives better. He was an intelligent and hardworking Australian conservationist, be one of the most popular Australians ever. Steve Irwin was always helping people in third world countries as shown in his TV shows. It shows he would always play sports in different countries, in Sri Lanka he played cricket with some of the children and when they had to go, he said " I love cricket" and "It's a shame we have to go catch some snakes now".  

In my research I have found out a lot of interesting facts about Steve. It was hard at first figuring out the jist of researching and moving it into a bio riddle form or visual thinking. Some of the best website I used were for example biographies on Steve and timelines. Some websites I used weren't very big and did not have many views like wiki. It was also enjoyable doing someone who I thought I knew about and began to see I barely knew a quarter of what I know now.  

Some challenges I faced when doing this project were being able to put them in a format that was meant for the task. The most challenging one I thought was the bio riddle as I not only had to make it a bout his life but make it, all rhyme! Some of the best website I used were: The first is a timeline and second a biography which helped me put the events in order when needed.  

Steve Irwin had many significant events in his career. Including some awards: ASTRA Awards for Favorite Personality- male and Logie Awards Hall of Fame and one of his more non formal kids' choice awards for best burp! So, as you see he was also an award winning Australian. Some of Steves hardships were saving animal from sure death. Over 500 million people on his show The Crocodile Hunter seeing what he was doing for animals and the environment 

Steve Irwin was considered a notable person because of multiple things that I will list. Because of his enthusiasm with animals and when he was on TV. Showing love and always smiling with animals. He also taught people how to treat animals with respect, in general leave them alone and try not to bother them. He is also an Australian icon and know all over the world mainly America and England, which shows that his TV shows were also populate in other countries as well.    

He is a person who inspires lots of people, but he inspired me. To be kind to animals and the environment. What amazes me is that he saved over 90,000 animals. Things I could connect with Steve would probably be loving animals of all shapes and sizes (maybe a little less for crocs Haha) He also inspired me to help animals not just be kind.  Also, he was very energetic in his TV shows making him a very happy person. He was also a traveler, on his tours Borneo, the Himalayas, the Yangtze River, and the Kruger National Park.  

In conclusion, Steve as you can see that he has a number of reasons why he is a notable person.  I have covered his most interesting ones over the piece. He left a mark, a mark of love. He loved animals and always wanted their lives to be better. His presence is still there. His family still do what he wanted to happen.  

By Matt Evans 

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